Why do we need one?

The wider Cambridge area, including Foxton, is experiencing unprecedented growth pressures. A Neighbourhood Plan will give Foxton residents the opportunity to make their voices heard, thus influencing the district council’s statutory planning process.

How does it relate to the 2011 Village Plan?

The main aim of the 2011 Foxton Village Plan was to identify key facilities and services, reveal problems and explore how these could be tackled. It also aimed to demonstrate how the distinctive character and features of our village could be preserved. In this way it shed light on the community’s consensus about its needs and aspirations for the future.

Although such Parish Plans also provide a framework for planning the future of the village, they are not legally binding documents for the District Council.
Subsequent legislation (The Localism Act 2012) has brought the power to create Neighbourhood Plans as part of the statutory planning process. These are legal documents which need to be taken into consideration by the District Council whenever planning permissions are applied for.

The Neighbourhood Planning Working Party wants to draw on and update the findings of the 2011 Village Plan to prepare the Foxton Neighbourhood Plan.

Next page: What do I want Foxton to look like in the future?